Smiling Tree Farm
Regenerative Silvo Pastoral Agriculture
Mimicking herds of migrating herbivores through pastures & trees, regenerating soil, creating diverse wildlife habitats, producing nutrient-rich food.

Micro-Dairies & House Cows
Specialist resources for those wishing to start the incredible journey of keeping a family cow, or setting up a micro-dairy: land & facilities, grazing management, cow health & nutrition, cow-calf dairying, milk quality, safe raw milk production & processing, milking technique & timing, troubleshooting and more.
Carbon Mooooves
On average each of us humans breathes out 1kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) every day, the larger you are or the more you exercise, the more CO2. So why don’t we consider human metabolism to be a cause of climate change? After all, there are 7.6 billion of us, that’s a lot of CO2 hitting the atmosphere each day.
Regenerative agriculture takes many forms and is context specific. However, for farming to qualify as regenerative it must lead to healing not harming the land and its flora and fauna, be they wild or domesticated. Here at Smiling Tree we practice a holistic silvo pastoral form and we hope you find inspiration on this website to want to learn more.

“Eating inextricably influences agriculture.”
Regenerative Silvo Pastoral Agriculture
The pages of this website explain what we do and why: It is based on our on-going observations and experiences, consultation with other experienced and knowledgable practitioners and enlightened scientists, and wide reading from many different sources.
When all this is pulled together it forms the basis of our beliefs, it guides our values, and informs our decisions in how we farm.
The content of this website is intended primarily as a resource provided for the benefit of enlightened consumers wishing to make informed and wise food choices, as well as for those wishing to practice regenerative agriculture and in particular ethically working with cattle to provide highly nutrient-rich meat and dairy whilst healing the land.
It is, however, also intended to provoke critical thinking, stimulate discussion and highlight nuances missing from common narratives, particularly regarding the potential beneficial role of cows and the environment. We welcome connecting and engaging with like-minded folks.